Travis Barker en remet par rapport à Tom Delonge et au futur de Blink-182



Travis Barker s’est (encore) livré à une longue entrevue concernant le départ de Tom Delonge et l’avenir de Blink-182.

Le batteur de 39 ans révèle plusieurs nouveaux points intéressants dans l’histoire Tom Delonge Vs. Blink-182.

Premièrement, Barker affirme que Tom a quitté le groupe à deux autres occasions dans les dernières années. À ces moments, Blink-182 n’avaient pas cru bon en informer les fans et Delonge finissait toujours par revenir. C’est deux à la 3e occasion que Mark Hoppus et Travis Barker aient décidé d’aller publiquement parler de cette histoire et dire le fond de leur pensée au Rolling Stone.

Barker dit que Delonge devrait faire un homme de lui et quitter le groupe, par respect pour les fans de Blink-182. Tout le contraire de ce que Tom a fait en affirmant qu’il n’avait jamais quitté Blink.

Par la suite, Barker affirme que Tom Delonge n’aime pas le punk. Il dit qu’il s’agissait juste d’une phase de sa vie.

Travis Barker annonce aussi en disant que Blink-182 fera des vieilles chansons que les fans demandent depuis longtemps lors de leur concert prévu au mois de mars. On sait que c’est Matt Skiba de Alkaline Trio qui remplace Tom Delonge.

Travis Barker termine en disant que le nouvel album de Blink-182 serait unreal si le guitariste et chanteur de Alkaline Trio se retrouvait sur le disque.

Il ouvre donc la porte à une possibilité d’une collaboration à long terme avec Matt Skiba.

Les meilleurs segments de l’entrevue sont ci-dessous. Pendant ce temps, Tom Delonge sortira son premier disque solo avec les chansons qui devaient se retrouver sur l’album de Blink-182.

When you heard from his manager, did this news come as a surprise or were there previous tensions between you guys?

Travis: I think this is the third time he’s quit without anyone knowing about it because we didn’t announce the other times. But this is just the last straw. It’s just not cool for the fans. He’d always agree to go on huge tours and record albums, but when it came down to going into the studio, he’d find some excuse not to. And we wouldn’t even hear from him, it would be his management. It comes to a point where you decide you’re not going to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do and it’s time to move on.

As of now, are you on talking terms or is there bad blood between you two?

Travis: As far as I’m concerned, no bad blood from me. I wish him the best in everything he does. I think the right thing for him to do would just man up and quit the band instead of telling people he didn’t quit and just be real with the fans. I think that would give him some closure too and really do what he’s passionate about. Even amongst all the other projects I do, I can always find a way to prioritize and still be passionate about Blink-182 when it comes around. I love playing, listening, and everything about punk rock. It changed my life. I think for Tom, he doesn’t like punk music and it was a phase for him.

In terms of Blink-182’s performance at the festival, what will the setlist relatively be like?

Travis: There are songs that for whatever reason never made it on the setlist that we can play now, so you’re going to hear a lot of oldies that fans have been longing for. I think we’re rehearsed about 30 or more songs. I don’t know if we’ll play all of those because we have about an hour and a half set. We’ve been doing a couple covers too. I think we’ve practiced more than we’ve ever have.

Are there any concrete plans for Blink-182 after the festival appearance with Skiba?

Travis: We’ll see. The beginning goal was to do the show because we committed to it. There’s a really great vibe and everyone’s stoked to be playing with each other. We’re definitely enjoying each other and Skiba is killing it. If we did make an album with Skiba, it would be unreal. I don’t know if that’s a possibility yet because I can’t speak for everybody. Right now it feels like the honeymoon stage. Everyone’s really happy and there’s a vibe in the rehearsal room that we haven’t had in a long time.

Le résumé de toute l’histoire Blink-182 Vs. Tom Delonge est ici.

[Via Alternative Nation]

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