Tim Lambesis, le chanteur de As I Lay Dying, a reçu sa sentence aujourd’hui. Il est condamné à 6 ans de prison pour avoir tenté d’engager un tueur à gages pour tuer son ex-femme et mère de ses enfants.
Cette histoire avait fait couler beaucoup d’encre il y a environ un an. Tout juste revenu d’une tournée en Asie avec As I Lay Dying, Lambesis avait été arrêté et accusé d’avoir orchestré un meurtre.
Il était très loin dans ses démarches de tuer son ex-femme. Il avait rencontré un tueur à gages en plus de donner l’adresse de la maison où elle restait ainsi que les heures qu’elle n’aurait pas les enfants. Il avait pensé à tout. Il avait d’ailleurs plaidé coupable aux chefs d’accusation auxquels il faisait face.
Tim Lambesis condamné à 6 ans de prison
Tim Lambesis a sorti sa version de l’histoire, aujourd’hui. Il lancera également un documentaire dans les prochains mois pour parler de comment il a vécu tout cela.
I felt like the courts weren’t able to do anything for me. I wasn’t an angry or vengeful person, I was just hurting. In trying to describe the emotions that eventually led to the conversations I had prior to my arrest, it definitely wasn’t like… I mean, I wasn’t like screaming her name, or like swearing… I wasn’t angry.
This guy at my gym, my workout partner, I just expressed to him how sad I was. I asked the guy I had been buying steroids from, the steroid dealer, if we could meet. I’m talking to him in the parking lot one afternoon and I go, “Hey, how’s it going?” He goes, “Pretty good, unless you maybe need me to kill somebody for you.” Like that, right off the bat.
I’m kind of like, “Whoa, what are you talking about?” He goes, “Well I’ve heard you’ve been pretty frustrated with your wife…” He just kind of had—I mean, he’s a steroid dealer. He has a sketchy background, you know what I mean? So I’m thinking, “Geez, where’s this guy going with this?” He starts asking me these seemingly rhetorical questions. “Have you tried working things out with your lawyer?” I said yeah, but it was going to be a couple of months before I saw the judge. “Have you tried taking them to a social worker? Like a counselor?” I said yes and the social worker had met with the kids.
He goes, “Well, you know your other option is I can hook you up with somebody that could do this.” And he goes, “Can you think of a better option?” He’s asking it like it’s a rhetorical question. I remember thinking at the time, “This doesn’t feel right. This doesn’t feel like my best option.” But my thinking at that time… As much as I wished there was a better option, this is my best option. Obviously, right now, I can think of a dozen things and I understand the legal system much better. Legally speaking, there are emergency type things where you can get a judge to see you earlier, which I didn’t know. There are dozens of things I can think of now. But I just started to develop this mindset of, “Alright… I guess this seems like the path I’m going to have to go down.”
Comme dans son communiqué, il blâme beaucoup les stéroïdes pour tout ce qui lui arrivé. Pas surprenant en constatant sa transformation en seulement quelques années.
C’est la 2e histoire sordide concernant un membre de groupe rock/hardcore à sortir cette année. On se souviendra que, plus tôt en 2013, Ian Walkins, le chanteur de Lostprophets, avait violé plusieurs mineures, dont un bébé de quelques mois seulement.