Mumford & Sons annule plus de concerts incluant leur apparence à Bonnaroo

ted dwane mumford and sons

En début de semaine, on apprenait que le bassiste de Mumford & Sons, Ted Dwane, devait subir une opération puisqu’il avait un caillot de sang au cerveau. Mumford avait alors annulé 3 concerts. Aujourd’hui, le groupe annonce que leur performance au mythique festival de Bonnaroo ainsi que 2 autres concerts sont annulés.

Mumford & Sons annule 3 autres concerts, incluant Bonnaroo

Mumford & Sons en a fait l’annonce sur leur page Facebook :

Dear friends,

It is with great joy that we can announce that Ted has been discharged from hospital and is on the road to a full recovery. The surgery went well, and the excellent medical team helping him are very pleased with his progress. He has been nothing short of heroic in how he has handled the whole ordeal, and now it has been medically proved that he does indeed have a brain.

Today, however, also marks the end of our Summer Stampede Tour. We were hoping to have made it out by Bonnaroo this weekend. But it is with sadness that we have to announce the cancellation of our scheduled performances at both Bonnaroo and Telluride Festivals, and our show at Cricket Wireless Amphitheater in Bonner Springs, KS. If we could’ve we would’ve, you know that about us. We trust that you can respect our collective desire to encourage Ted to make a full recovery, and that this is based purely on the medical advice we have received.

On behalf of Ted, and all of us really, we would like to thank every one for their compassion and support at this time and we are very excited to get back out on tour as soon as we can.

La bonne nouvelle, c’est que l’opération de Ted Dwane s’est bien passée et qu’il récupère présentement. La mauvaise, c’est que M&S doit annuler 3 autres concerts dont leur concert au festival Bonnaroo. Il s’agit d’un des plus gros festivals du monde. En terme de comparaison, c’est comme s’ils annulaient leur présence à Osheaga. Gageons que Mumford & Sons a tout fait pour le pas annuler cette performance. Par contre, quand vient le temps de la santé, rien n’est plus important.

On souhaite un bon rétablissement à Ted Dwane et on se voit à Osheaga le 4 août!