Le chanteur de Forever The Sickest Kid, Jonathan Cook, arrêté pour avoir vendu des fausses montres Rolex


Toutes une histoire qu’on apprend aujourd’hui. Jonathan Cook, le chanteur du band pop-punk Forever The Sickest Kids, a été arrêté pour avoir vendu des fausses montres Rolex. Tous les détails dans “lire la suite”.

Jonathan Cook, chanteur de Forever The Sickest Kids, arrêté pour avoir vendu des fausses montres Rolex


Surprenant, surtout que FTSK a toujours été un groupe qui prône le positivisme.

Voici le message de Jonathan Cook concernant son arrestation :

To my friends and fans,

I am writing this letter to apologize to my friends and fans for my recent arrest and charges against me for trademark counterfeiting, with attempted distribution of counterfeit Rolex watches.

Before being arrested, I was not aware of how serious such a transaction was and through my experience I have learned that it does not matter how or where I purchased the watches. Simply presenting an item for sale with a false trademark logo is a criminal offense, even if it is well known that the item is a fake.

I am now aware of the financial harm that the distribution of counterfeit property can cause to others, and that this activity is a very serious matter with serious consequences. As a result I will no longer participate in, nor support anyone that engages in this type of activity no matter what the counterfeit item is.

As a member of our band, Forever The Sickest kids, it has been my desire to be a positive role model to our friends and fans. As a result of this experience I would like this statement to be considered both informative and serve as a warning to other young people.


Jonathan Cook

En gros, il s’excuse en disant qu’il ne connaissait pas la gravité de ses actes en faisant la revente de fausses montres Rolex. Ouin…

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