L’album “Save Rock And Roll” de Fall Out Boy se classe premier au top 200 Billboard


Fall Out Boy est revenu en force avec leur premier album en 4 ans. Le nouveau disque de FOBSave Rock And Roll, a débuté au 1er rang du top 200 Billboard avec plus de 154 000 copies vendues aux États-Unis. Détails et message du groupe dans “lire la suite”.

Fall Out Boy premier du top 200 Billboard avec Save Rock And Roll


FOB avait vendu 260 000 copies de Infinity On High, en 2007, tandis que From Under the Cork Tree avait vendu plus de 157 000 disques en 2005. Mais c’est clair que le marché de la vente de disques a considérablement changé depuis les dix dernières années. Donc bravo à Fall Out Boy pour leur 1ere position!

Notre critique de l’excellent Save Rock And Roll de Fall Out Boy.

Le message du groupe concernant leur 1ere place :

holy smokes. to quote patrick. who could’ve dreamed up this story? if you had told us the incantations that we sang would’ve summoned what we’ve become none of us would have ever believed it. art isn’t a competition- but this does feel like vindication- just because this is one that we made just for us- and now you have made it yours. so this one felt real good and hit us right in the gut when we saw the album was number one (with a bullet!). from a cruddy broken futon in chicago you dragged us here, or we dragged you. probably a bit of both. thank you. thanks to: crush management, our record label island defjam, and most importantly to our friends, family, and fans that made this possible.

this song was designed to celebrate moments like this. play it loud and surround yourself with friends, real or fictional:

Blood brothers in desperation
An oath of silence
For the voice of our generation
How’d it get to be only me?
Like I’m the last damn kid still kicking
That still believes
I will defend the faith
Going down swinging
I will save the songs
That we can’t stop singing

Les bouts de paroles, à la fin du texte, sont un extrait de la chanson Save Rock And Roll avec Elton John :

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