Justin Bieber sort publiquement pour se confier sur ses moments difficiles et avouer qu’il n’allait vraiment pas bien lors de sa dernière tournée

bieber bbmas2016

Justin Bieber vit présentement des moments plus difficiles. Le chanteur de 25 ans s’est confié sur sa dépression il y a quelques semaines. Il vient maintenant de sortir publiquement pour parler de ces moments difficiles et avouer qu’il n’allait vraiment pas bien lors de sa dernière tournée.

Ceux qui ont vu le concert de JB au Centre Vidéotron en mai 2016 pourront en témoigner. Il n’était juste vraiment pas bien. La critique du spectacle était ici.

Dans son nouveau message publié sur Instagram, Bieber fait mention qu’il ne sortira pas un album prochainement. Il doit d’abord travailler sur lui, son mariage et le genre de père qu’il veut devenir.

La fin de son message est aussi particulière en disant qu’il sera de retour avec une vengeance et que son swag est indéniable.

Le message en intégrale en anglais :

So I read a lot of messages saying you want an album .. I’ve toured my whole teenage life, and early 20s, I realized and as you guys probably saw I was unhappy last tour and I don’t deserve that and you don’t deserve that, you pay money to come and have a lively energetic fun light concert and I was unable emotionally to give you that near the end of the tour. I have been looking, seeking, trial and error as most of us do, I am now very focused on repairing some of the deep rooted issues that I have as most of us have, so that I don’t fall apart, so that I can sustain my marriage and be the father I want to be. Music is very important to me but Nothing comes before my family and my health. I will come with a kick ass album ASAP, my swag is undeniable and my drive is indescribable his love is supernatural his grace is that reliable…. the top is where I reside period whether I make music or not the king said so. 👑 but I will come with a vengeance believe that.. (grammar and punctuation will be terrible pretend it’s a text where u just don’t care).

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So I read a lot of messages saying you want an album .. I’ve toured my whole teenage life, and early 20s, I realized and as you guys probably saw I was unhappy last tour and I don’t deserve that and you don’t deserve that, you pay money to come and have a lively energetic fun light concert and I was unable emotionally to give you that near the end of the tour. I have been looking, seeking, trial and error as most of us do, I am now very focused on repairing some of the deep rooted issues that I have as most of us have, so that I don’t fall apart, so that I can sustain my marriage and be the father I want to be. Music is very important to me but Nothing comes before my family and my health. I will come with a kick ass album ASAP, my swag is undeniable and my drive is indescribable his love is supernatural his grace is that reliable…. the top is where I reside period whether I make music or not the king said so. 👑 but I will come with a vengeance believe that.. (grammar and punctuation will be terrible pretend it’s a text where u just don’t care).

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Bref, il semble que le nouveau disque et la prochaine tournée de Justin Bieber devront encore patienter.

Pendant ce temps, JB et sa nouvelle femme Hailey Baldwin habitent maintenant à temps plein dans cette maison en Ontario (PHOTOS).