Isaac Symonds annonce qu’il quitte Half Moon Run après 8 ans avec le groupe

half moon run isaac symonds

Half Moon Run est de nouveau un trio. Isaac Symonds, qui s’était joint au groupe en 2012, a annoncé qu’il quittait HMR après 8 ans.

Le groupe montréalais avait commencé comme trio au début de sa carrière. Half Moon Run avait ensuite demandé au multiinstrumentaliste de se joindre comme 4e membre en 2012. Le reste est de l’histoire, alors que HMR est devenu l’un des plus importants groupes québécois. Le quatuor a joué dans pratiquement tous les festivals du Québec, vendu plus de 40 000 albums de Dark Eyes, donné 4 concerts sold out au Métropolis en 2016 et tourné presque partout dans le monde depuis.

Isaac Symonds annonce qu’il quitte HMR pour se concentrer sur lui et ce qu’il veut vraiment faire. Il avait le rôle de supporter les autres membres dans Half Moon Run.

Le groupe confirme qu’il n’y a pas de chicane et que HMR continuera dans le futur. Ce sera par contre sous forme de trio.

Message Half Moon Run

It’s with a mixture of sadness and excitement that we have an announcement to make: Isaac Symonds, our beloved Iceman, has decided to leave Half Moon Run.

In March 2012, we wrote to Isaac from France, where we were on tour, and asked him if he would consider joining Half Moon Run as the fourth member. In the ensuing 8 years, the four of us had the most wonderful adventures together. It has been an utter privilege to know and work with someone as loyal, committed, gifted, and kind-hearted as Isaac. We have formed bonds between us that we’ll surely take to our graves.

There are two things we want to make clear in light of this announcement. The first is that there is no bad blood whatsoever between the band members. We love and support Isaac, 100%, and we always will. The second is that Half Moon Run is NOT finished. Some of you will remember that we started as a three-piece, and it appears as though we’re destined to carry forward that way.

We’re excited about what comes next, both for Isaac and Half Moon Run. Isaac will continue to be featured in our COVIDEOS, and you might see him at a live show from time to time as well, if and when that’s possible again. In the meantime, Devon, Dylan and Conner will be working on writing and recording more music.

Give it up for Isaac!

With love,


Message Isaac Symonds Half Moon Run

Dear friends: I’d like to let you know that I am parting ways with Half Moon Run.

Grateful is the best word I can find to describe how I’m feeling right now. Devon, Dylan, and Conner welcomed me into their project eight years ago, and for that, I will be forever grateful.
I’ve learned so much from them: they work hard, they have the highest level of musical integrity, and an undeniable sense of artistry. What an honour to have been a part of that. We’ve gone through the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows together. All the hotels, hours on the road, 600+ shows, the jams, all the meals we’ve enjoyed together, the laughs, the lingo… this is only scratching the surface. It’s been a ride, and I will forever cherish these memories.
That being said, my heart is longing to start a new phase of life. Having spent most of my 20’s in a supportive role, I’m thrilled to carve out a new path and curate the life that I envision for myself. I want to let my passions guide the way. I want to do what I love, and love what I do. There’s a whole world of musicality and creativity in me that I’m excited to nurture and explore – from my own projects, to collaborations, and everything in between. Outside of music, I’ve always been passionate about woodworking, skateboarding, playing badminton, and cooking – who knows where all that will take me. All I can do is BELIEVE in myself, and TRUST that the universe will provide the rest.

I’ve always thought that Half Moon Run is one of the greatest bands alive today. It would give me great pleasure to see this band reach the heights that it deserves, and for the world to recognize them for their top level of songwriting, performance, and musicality. You’ll see that they have a lot more to give. I deeply care for these guys and I’m excited to watch the rest of their journey unfold :) With love,


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Dear friends: I’d like to let you know that I am parting ways with Half Moon Run. Grateful is the best word I can find to describe how I’m feeling right now. Devon, Dylan, and Conner welcomed me into their project eight years ago, and for that, I will be forever grateful. I’ve learned so much from them: they work hard, they have the highest level of musical integrity, and an undeniable sense of artistry. What an honour to have been a part of that. We’ve gone through the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows together. All the hotels, hours on the road, 600+ shows, the jams, all the meals we’ve enjoyed together, the laughs, the lingo… this is only scratching the surface. It’s been a ride, and I will forever cherish these memories. That being said, my heart is longing to start a new phase of life. Having spent most of my 20’s in a supportive role, I’m thrilled to carve out a new path and curate the life that I envision for myself. I want to let my passions guide the way. I want to do what I love, and love what I do. There’s a whole world of musicality and creativity in me that I’m excited to nurture and explore – from my own projects, to collaborations, and everything in between. Outside of music, I’ve always been passionate about woodworking, skateboarding, playing badminton, and cooking – who knows where all that will take me. All I can do is BELIEVE in myself, and TRUST that the universe will provide the rest. I’ve always thought that Half Moon Run is one of the greatest bands alive today. It would give me great pleasure to see this band reach the heights that it deserves, and for the world to recognize them for their top level of songwriting, performance, and musicality. You’ll see that they have a lot more to give. I deeply care for these guys and I’m excited to watch the rest of their journey unfold :) With love, Isaac @halfmoonrun 📸 @jrcmccord @sachasachet @charlie_martel @virbarberox

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