Hedley publie un communiqué pour commenter les allégations d’inconduites sexuelles

hedley reponse accusation


Hedley est au centre d’une histoire d’inconduites sexuelles depuis près de 24 heures. De nombreuses fans sont sorties sur Twitter pour raconter les histoires qu’elles ont vécu avec l’un ou l’autre des membres du groupe.

Comme il y a toujours deux côtés à une médaille, Jacob Hoggard et sa bande ont sorti un communiqué pour expliquer la situation. Ils nient les allégations qui ont été faites en plus de dire que rien de tout cela n’avait été prouvé.

Le communiqué mentionne aussi que le groupe a vécu quelques clichés du rock, mais qu’une ligne n’a jamais été franchie.

Voici le communiqué complet de Hedley avec la publication Facebook :

“All of us in Hedley respect and applaud the #MeToo movement and the open and honest discussion it has inspired. We believe these conversations are particularly important within the music industry, which does not exactly have an enviable history of treating women with the respect they deserve. We appreciate the bravery of those who have come forward with their own stories, and we realize that all of us, as individuals and as a society, can and must do better when it comes to this issue.

However, if we are to have a meaningful, open and honest discussion, we all have to accept and respect that there are at least two sides to every story. The recent allegations against us posted on social media are simply unsubstantiated and have not been validated. We would hope that people will bear-in-mind the context in which these unsupported accusations have been made before passing judgment on us as individuals or as a band.

We realize the life of a touring band is an unconventional one. While we are all now either married or have entered into committed, long-term relationships, there was a time, in the past, when we engaged in a lifestyle that incorporated certain rock and roll clichés. However, there was always a line that we would never cross.

We realize this conversation is as important to our fans as it is to us, and we never want to distract from these important discussions. To that end, as we move forward, we will be evaluating some of our next steps. Hedley’s music should only ever be a positive force, and our performances and personal appearances should continue to be inclusive and safe experiences that bring nothing but joy and happiness to our fans.”

hedley communique


Les commentaires sous la publications sont très nombreux et très partagés. Dans tous les cas, c’était important de leur donner le droit de parole dans ce dossier.

En lien : Des Québécoises racontent leurs histoires louches avec les membres de Hedley.

[Crédit photo : Limbo – Hedley]

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