Le groupe de hackers Anonymous a fait plusieurs menaces à Iggy Azalea dans les dernières heures. Les pirates veulent que la rappeuse fasse des excuses publiques à Azealia Banks pour avoir “mal interprété la culture noire”.
Si Azalea ne s’excuse pas, Anonymous publiera des photos de son sex-tape. On sait que cet enregistrement avait fait beaucoup parler à la fin de l’été alors que l’ex d’Iggy n’était pas contre le fait de sortir la vidéo.
Anonymous lui donne 48 heures pour faire ses excuses.
La guerre entre Iggy et Azealia dure depuis quelque temps. Les deux chanteuses aux noms similaires s’envoient des insultes du genre “Iggy Azalea n’est pas une meilleure rappeuse que n’importe quelle noire” ou encore “Banks n’a pas réussi à percer à cause de son attitude de merde”.
Gros gros drama sur les internet. Presque autant que lorsque Snoop Dogg était en guerre avec Iggy.
Bref, voici la série de tweets de Anonymous, Iggy Azalea et Azeala Banks qui résument cette histoire.
MESSAGE: @IGGYAZALEA, you have exactly 48 hours from now to release a statement apologizing to @AzealiaBanks and the protesters in NYC…
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
MESSAGE:@IGGYAZALEA if you do not do so, the memory of you will burn from the public faster than the moment you surfaced. We're not kidding.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
You are guilty of misappropriating black culture, insulting peaceful protesters, and making light of Eric Garner's death. @IGGYAZALEA
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
Let the record show, we have presented evidence. Exhibits A, C, and F: pic.twitter.com/YpQdDcMZw7
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
There's an X rated tape of you, we bet you'd certainly don't want public, are we right? @IGGYAZALEA….and this is nothing. Comply or else.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
All we ask from you is that you comply with our demands. Failing to do so will grant you a one-way ticket to a life of suffering @IGGYAZALEA
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
#Anonymous is committed to standing with the people, combatting fakery and lawlessness by the upper class…
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
…who believe that just because they can "sing" and "dance" that they have owned our complete allegiance.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
Now about that sex tape. We wont release the actual video. We have values to live by.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
However, we will release various snapshots of her face to confirm. The idea is not about releasing nudes. This shows nothing.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
The problem is why this tape even exists. It involves a man in a business suit, a kardashian-like attempt at fame, and a record label.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
This is not just @IggyAzalea's story. This is a saga of corruption that we will expose. Not only will her reputation go down the drain…
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
…but so will a lot of important people.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
All we simply ask for is an apology.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
The clock is ticking.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
To reiterate, no sex tape of any kind will be released. Again, we are not in the business of porn.
That doesn't mean we don't have it.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
Special msg for banks: There are many black artists succeeding in all genres. The reason you haven't is because of your piss poor attitude.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
Your inability to be responsible for your own mistakes, bullying others, the inability to be humble or have self control. It's YOU!
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
you created your own unfortunate situation by being a bigot and don't have the mental capacity to realize yet. Probably never will.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
Now! rant, Make it racial! make it political! Make it whatever but I guarantee it won't make you likable & THATS why ur crying on the radio.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
Enjoy continuing to bang your head against that metaphoric brick wall & Savor this attention. I'm the only way you get ANY.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
You're poisonous and I feel genuinely sorry for you because it's obvious at this point you are a MISERABLE, angry human being. Regards!
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
Dear LordT, I Pray for this Clueless White Girl.
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
Itchy Areola, you are so stupid and selfish to make any of this about yourself in particular,
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
My tears had absolutely nothing to with you and everything to do with society and the media in general.
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
But, iffy azuzu will not play victim and make this about her, I made some very valid points about things that are important to me.
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
Things in society and culture. Things that really resonated with a lot of people.
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014