A Day To Remember gagne leur poursuite contre Victory Records



A Day To Remember vient de gagner leur poursuite de plus de 2 ans contre leur maison de disques, Victory Records. Le juge a tranché que ADTR pourra sortir leur nouveau disque, Common Courtesy, eux-mêmes, sans l’étiquette Victory Records, le 8 octobre. Enfin!

A Day To Remember gagne leur poursuite contre Victory Records

VOIR : Toute l’histoire de la poursuite entre A Day To Remember et Victory Records

Même si ADTR est gagnant dans la cause, le groupe pourrait quand même devoir payer des royautés à Victory et ce, pour leur deux prochains albums. Tous les profits de Common Courtesy pourraient donc aller au label. Mais cette situation doit être clarifier en cour prochainement.

C’est donc dire que Common Courtesy sortira une fois pour toute le 8 octobre. Et la bonne nouvelle, c’est que cette date est dans 3 jours seulement! Enfin!

A Day To Remember ainsi que Victory Records ont tous deux sorti des communiqués suite à la décision du juge.

Le communiqué de ADTR

A federal judge today ruled that A Day To Remember are free to release their new album Common Courtesy without Victory Records. In an Order issued earlier today, U.S District Court Judge John Z. Lee denied Victory Records’ Motion for a Preliminary Injunction in which Victory had sought to block the band from releasing this new album without Victory’s involvement.

In a statement this evening the band offered: “In May of 2011 we joined the long list of bands that have filed suit against Victory Records.  Although our case is still ongoing, we are very pleased with the judge’s decision to allow us to release our next record. The only thing that has mattered to us while dealing with this lawsuit was getting new music to our fans. We are finally going to do that on October 8th and we couldn’t be more excited!”

Common Courtesy is only available digitally at ADTR.com and will be released Tuesday, October 8th.

 Le communiqué de Victory Records

While Victory is disappointed with the ruling, and disagrees with the court’s conclusions, it comes as no surprise. Courts rarely grant negative injunctions of this nature, but the circumstances of this case presented a unique opportunity for such a ruling. Having said that, in denying Victory’s motion, the court’s reasoning actually contained silver linings that significantly favored Victory. First, the court held that it supports Victory’s argument about the construction of the recording contract – that ADTR is still obligated to deliver two more albums to Victory — “at last equally, if not more so, than that offered by ADTR.” That is the core issue in this case and the only one that really matters in the end, so Victory is heartened that the court agreed with Victory’s position on that core issue. Also, the sole basis for the court’s denial of the injunction was that Victory would not suffer “irreparable harm” that could not be compensated by money damages if the album were to be self released, in that it has ample evidence to prove its damages against the band (in the form of lost profits if ADTR does proceed to self release Common Courtesy). That is, even if the band self releases it, Victory is likely to be awarded any profits the band makes on that album, plus additional lost profits suffered by Victory based on the fact that Victory would undeniably do a far better job at marketing the album had Victory released it, which is what Victory is known for and is the reason why ADTR signed with Victory in the first place. In sum, it is a “successful” defeat in a way, and one which Victory welcomed because of the manner in which the Court rendered its opinion.

This case will proceed to trial, and Victory is looking forward to the opportunity to vindicate the baseless claims filed by ADTR.

Common Courtesy sortira seulement en version digitale le 8 octobre. Ce n’est pas encore confirmé à quelle date (et si!) le disque aura aussi une version physique.

La poursuite était en cours depuis 2011 alors que A Day To Remember disait que le groupe avait rempli leur contrat avec Victory Records. Évidemment, Victory n’allait pas laisser le groupe partir si facilement. ADTR est la vache à lait de la maison de disques, c’est eux qui les font vivre. Aller voir les autres groupes sur le label, vous allez vite comprendre.

Enfin cette histoire est terminée une fois pour toute. Place à Common Courtesy!

VOIR : Toute l’histoire de la poursuite entre A Day To Remember et Victory Records

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