Pearl Jam vient de reporter son concert au Centre Vidéotron en mars 2020 en raison du Coronavirus

Pearl Jam devait jouer au Centre Vidéotron le 22 mars prochain. Le groupe vient de reporter la première partie de sa tournée 2020, dont la date du Centre Vidéotron, en raison du Coronavirus.

Pearl Jam mentionne que c’est en raison de la crise mondiale actuelle que tous les concerts sont reportés. Il est aussi mention du fait que leur ville de Seattle a été touchée par le Coronavirus.

Le nom du groupe s’ajoute donc à la liste, de plus en plus nombreuse, d’artistes à avoir annulé des concerts dans les dernières semaines.

Plusieurs festivals, incluant le Ultra Music Festival de Miami ainsi que Tomorrowland Winter, ont été annulés dans les derniers jours.

Il s’agit de la première annulation à toucher directement le Québec, mais on raconte que d’autres annulations viendraient prochainement. La situation sera à suivre.

Voici le message de Pearl Jam pour annoncer le report de la tournée ainsi que du concert au Centre Vidéotron le 22 mars 2020. À noter qu’aucune date de reprise n’a été annoncée pour le moment.

Message Pearl Jam annulation Centre Vidéotron Québec 2020

As residents of the city of Seattle, we’ve been hit hard and have witnessed firsthand how quickly these disastrous situations can escalate. Our kids’ schools have closed along with universities and businesses. It’s been brutal and it’s gonna get worse before it gets better.

So we are being told that being part of large gatherings is high on the list of things to avoid as this global health crisis is now beginning to affect all of our lives.

Unfortunately, communing in large groups is a huge part of what we do as a band and the tour we’ve been busy planning for months is now in jeopardy…

We have and will always keep the safety and well-being of our supporters as top priority.

So it is with deep frustration and regret that we are forced to make this most unfortunate of announcements…

This scheduled first leg of our PJ/Gigaton tour will need to be postponed and shows rescheduled for a later date.

We’ve worked hard with all our management and business associates to find other solutions or options but the levels of risk to our audience and their communities is simply too high for our comfort level. Add to that we also have a unique group of passionate fans who travel far and wide. We’ve always been humbled by this and respect their energies and devotion. However in this case, travel is something to avoid.

It certainly hasn’t helped that there’s been no clear messages from our government regarding people’s safety and our ability to go to work. Having no examples of our national health department’s ability to get ahead of this, we have no reason to believe that it will be under control in the coming weeks ahead.

Again, here in Seattle what we are witnessing we would not wish for anyone. What we do wish for the rest of the country is that they can avoid the harsh negative effects of this and retain their sense of community and take care of one another. Just as we look forward to our next concerts and the ability to gather together and play loud songs as energized as ever.

We are so sorry…
And deeply upset..

If anyone out there feels the same based on this news, we share that emotion with you.

– Ed & Pearl Jam


Pendant ce temps, ce festival annonce son immense programmation 2020 avec System Of A Down, Pearl Jam, Kendrick Lamar, Twenty One Pilots, Sum 41, Lewis Capaldi et plus.